Wycombe Youth For Christ

Wycombe Youth for Christ is a dynamic and innovative Christian faith based charity that has been working with children and young people in High Wycombe for over thirty five years. 

We are passionate about making a real difference to the lives of children and young people. Our mission is to take and be good news, in relevant ways, to children and young people in the wider Wycombe area.


Chosen High Wycombe is a cross-church Christian charity reaching and supporting women affected by sex trafficking in High Wycombe, offering the hope of walking free.

We believe that these women are precious to God, and we want to demonstrate His unwavering love to them. We do weekly walking outreach to meet with the women and offer support.

Growing Hope High Wycombe is a charity offering free therapy for children and young people (0-18) with additional needs living within the High Wycombe area.

We also provide support for parents, carers and siblings through our groups and courses. 

Wycombe Homeless Connection

Wycombe Homeless Connection is a Christian-led charity that serves people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in south Buckinghamshire.

We work within our faith foundation to bring about God’s love in action to end homelessness in our community.


High Wycombe CAP Debt Centre provides free, excellent and practical help for families and individuals who find themselves in debt.

CAP Money Course, CAP Life Skills Course, and CAP Job Club are regularly provided through local churches.


Lighthouse is a non-residential week long holiday club for children run by Christians from local churches working together, bringing churches and communities together around children.

We are passionate about seeing children from all walks of life and abilities encountering God in a fun-filled week with teaching, sport, craft, performing arts and music.

One can trust

One Can Trust work with local organisations, including Bucks Council and housing associations, to provide weekly food parcels to those who need our help. 

In addition to providing food for households who are struggling, we offer advice and support to help families tackle the causes of their financial difficulty.

Street Angels

Wycombe Street Angels are a group of volunteers from local churches who aim to provide a safe and enjoyable place for people out in High Wycombe town centre on Friday nights. 

Chefs for Jesus

Chefs for Jesus has been running since 2011 when the Lord laid upon our hearts the urgency to share the love of Jesus Christ in Wycombe. We were to be faithful and be His hands and show His care and love to all who pass by.

WYCOMBE Chaplaincy

Wycombe Workplace Chaplaincy is a charity with trustees and the day to day work is led by the Leading Chaplain.

The chaplains are all members of local churches, and volunteers who are trained to reflect on ethical and spiritual values in the workplace and model Jesus.


Wycombe Refugee Partnership was started by Christians in the area,  out of a shared concern to help destitute refugee families in the UK, and now work alongside Muslims and others to give wrap-around support, helping with job-seeking and registration with schools, doctors, dentists and English classes.

High Wycombe Hostel

YMCA’s vision in England and Wales is of an inclusive Christian movement transforming communities so that all young people can belong, contribute and thrive, and to be characterised by five strong and distinctive values that flow from our Christian ethos.

Our Chaplaincy team provides spiritual and emotional support to both residents and staff, while experienced staff offer guidance and signposting for relevant support.


Project Possible is a local Christian charity working with overlooked communities so they can overcome barriers in their lives and equip them to become sustainable. Since 1990 (when we were known as ROPE), we have been coming alongside overlooked people in the small corners of the world, because we believe the ‘fullness of life’ Jesus promised is for everyone – including those who might be small in the eyes of the world.