Love Wycombe 2024

Video Credit: Alfie Manser, ‪@malt_media‬


  • Sunday 9 June at 11am, we gathered on The Rye to worship together with one voice and to lift the name of Jesus high over our town.
  • Just over 100 people were involved in making LW24 happen, at one level or another…
    • 18 churches were represented by them.
  • We think between 1000 – 1500 people were present but it’s hard to be certain…

Social Action



Using a webapp, Christians across Wycombe showed which streets they had prayed for May to June 2024.

  • At least 72 individuals, from at least 15 different churches, walked and prayed over the roads marked above in the 5 weeks prior to the celebration.
  • 3 central gatherings for prayer and worship were held in the same period, lifting up the churches and ministries across Wycombe, as well as the celebration.

… and that was Love Wycombe 2024!